Automated Solid Phase Extraction
Automated Solid Phase Extraction
Solid phase extraction (SPE) is a widely used sample preparation technique for purification of forensics, healthcare and pharmaceuticals samples. Automating the time consuming process makes for reliable and accurate results minimizing risks of cross-contamination and human error saving on time and expensive reagents. Aurora Biomed Inc. provides a fully automated solution, taking samples from preparation steps through typical extraction processes to dry downs and reconstitutions.
- Complete walk away solution frees up time for lab staff
- Speeds up workflow for quicker purifications
- Tip changer eliminates the risk of carryover between samples
- Supports both column and filter plate purifications
- High-throughput solution to process multiple samples in parallel
- High precision reduces variability and increases reproducibility
- Low dead volume reduces costs associated with reagent waste
- ReagentDrop dispensing of wash buffers reduces pipette tip usage
- Heated and shaking positions for up-front sample preparation steps
- Supports multiple labwares and tubes including HPLC vials
- Available configuration to support liquid-liquid extractions and solid phase extraction
- HEPA enclosure protects sensitive samples from outside contamination